Bonsai-U Subscriptions

By signing up for a Bonsai-U subscription, you agree that your subscription will be automatically renewed and, unless you cancel your subscription, you authorize us to charge your payment method for the renewal term. You agree that we can change the terms of the subscription with advance notice to you and an opportunity for you to cancel. The period of auto-renewal will be the same as your initial subscription period unless otherwise disclosed to you. The renewal rate will be no more than the rate for the immediately prior subscription period, excluding any promotional and discount pricing, unless we notify you of a rate change prior to your auto-renewal, in which case you will have the right to cancel the renewal of your subscription. From time to time, we may offer a free trial subscription for Bonsai-U. If you register for a free trial subscription, we will begin to bill your account when the free trial subscription expires, unless you cancel your subscription before that time.

Subscription Cancellation

Unless otherwise disclosed when you subscribe, you have the right to cancel your Bonsai-U subscription at any time. When a monthly subscription is canceled, you will not receive a prorated refund for the current month and your account will no longer access the Bonsai-U content, effective immediately upon cancellation. When a yearly subscription is cancelled, you will not receive a prorated refund for the year and your account will no longer access the Bonsai-U content, effective immediately upon cancellation. If you pay a periodic subscription fee for Bonsai-U, we will provide you with reasonable notice of changes to the fees or billing methods in advance of their effective date and you will be able to cancel your subscription prior to such change.